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Nokia N95, an all-in-one multimedia computer with a pioneering 2-way slide concept, integrated GPS functionality, a 5 megapixel camera and support for high-speed mobile networks, making it easier to watch and record videos, listen to songs, take high-quality photos, browse the internet, or catch up on email while on the move.

The innovative 2-way slide concept makes it easy to switch between different modes, going from reading maps to watching a video with a simple slide. A numeric keypad slides out from one end of the device while dedicated media keys slide out from the opposite direction, converting the display into full screen landscape mode. With powerful 3D graphics, the Nokia N95 has a stunning user interface that makes it intuitive to find the features and services you want.

With its integrated GPS at your fingertips, finding your way just got easier. The Maps application includes maps for more than 100 countries, enabling users to explore the world, find specific routes or locate services such as restaurants and hotels and covering more than 15 million points of interest. You can also purchase additional features, such as city guides and voice guided navigation.

With the Carl Zeiss optics on the 5 megapixel camera, you can capture print quality photos and DVD-like quality video clips. Photos and video clips can be enjoyed on a compatible television thanks to the device’s TV out feature and support for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) technology.

Designed for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) networks and with support for WLAN, EDGE and WCDMA networks, the Nokia N95 provides excellent coverage and speeds wherever you may be. In HSDPA networks, browsing the internet, reading email, streaming video and downloading large files can be carried out up to 10 times faster than with 3G.

The Nokia N95 also offers a first class entertainment experience with the combination of a large 2.6” QVGA 16 million color display, impressive 3D graphics, built-in stereo speakers offering 3D Stereo effect, standard 3.5 mm audio jack, support for compatible microSD cards and mini USB for convenient data transfer.

Browsing the internet on the Nokia N95 is a pleasure using the Nokia Web Browser with Mini Map, with new features such as a floating toolbar, password manager and auto complete, as well as web feeds with support for Atom and auto update.

The Nokia N95 is based on the world’s leading S60 software on Symbian OS, enabling you to personalize your device from a wide choice of compatible applications that can be downloaded to the Nokia N95, including games, navigation, entertainment, productivity and creativity. The Nokia N95 comes out of the box ready to create, connect, consume and interact with some of the internet’s most popular services. Use Yahoo! Search to search for and find most anything on the web, scroll though a book with Amazon’s MobiPocket Reader or snap a photo and send it directly to your Flickr site.

The Nokia N95 is expected to start shipping in volumes during the first quarter of 2007 at an estimated unsubsidized retail price of 550 euros (RM2, 591.44).

Sate Kajang

With nine branches of which three are in Kajang, five along the highways (2 in KESAS, 2 in ELITE, and 1 in PLUS) and the other one in Bangi; Satay Kajang Hj. Samuri has achieved the positioning status of the satay market in Malaysia.

The long famous family oriented business has gained the trust and loyalty of satay eaters in town and nationwide. Its variety of meat to choose from, reasonable pricing, fast service, similar taste, efficient operations, are key ingredients to its success.

Today, this family business has given fame to the Kajang town which is otherwise infamous for its nasty traffic congestion. Its success has gone unnoticed by the envied competitors or probably foes to the family when the business was once (or probably few occasion) under 'attack' of bad publicity through nasty e-mails accusing its bad state of hygiene, recipes, and operations.

Cooked by charcoal, served with a plate of nasi impit that came with cucumber (that I learns today that the cucumber purpose is to neutralize the carbon effect on the meat) and dipped into the delicious peanut sauce, it was a one wonderful experience. Although it has variety of menu from chicken, beef, tripe, liver, mutton, to venison, we opted for 15 sticks of chicken and 5 beef. To go with the food, try ordered a glass of soy drink. Very healthy!

So, for the "Untuk Rasa Kajang Yang Sebenar", Haji Samuri and sons give you more than that. They give you the truly sate experience, not just the taste. Happy Eating!

Nobody Fucks in Malaysia! Stop Spreading These Lies!

November 7, 2006 at 5:29 am

Malay Weekend Mail - Let's Talk about Sex!

There's an article in a Malay newspaper that I'm dying to read. It's hard to come by ever since it's been banned by the majority Muslim nation for being too panky with the hanky:

The Weekend Mail gave detailed descriptions of favorite sex positions from its survey including spooning, galloping and tea bag positions in three pages of stories that delivered on its front-page promise: You'll be shocked.

I received endless calls and SMS over the articles, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak told a ruling-party meeting Sunday. The media going overboard in exploiting sex will only worsen
our social problems, he was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times, a pro-government daily in the same stable as the Mail.

The paper was forced to run a full-page, large-type mea culpa on their front page to avoid having half of their staff disappear under cover of night. And many Malays are ecstatic about that. Malay blogger Mahaguru58 is joyful that the Mail got slapped for its provocative take on the bump-and-grind:

Having to ponder on this very subject that has been left to run riot in the Western civilisation and as a result made waste with something as precious and as honourable as a matter of lovemaking between a husband and a wife but now turned into something cheap and tasteless as animal lust and as a pastime for those who have been enamoured with the liberalisms of the decadent lifestyles rampaging in the West!

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Emas 916 (Krisis Ekonomi Dunia)

Setakat ni harga emas memang dah naik - RM72 per gm! Kalau sesiapa yang ada emas sekarang simpan2 le. Tapi pernah dengar emas kat kedai sekarang pun dah dicampur dengan perak. Tak tau ke betul ke tidak!

Fasal financial planning , org kata duit boleh simpan sampai 2nd & 3rd generation. Aku ragu2 sikit sbb apa yg aku tahu, pakar2 ekonomi dunia meramalkan akan berlaku krisis ekonomi yg teruk yg boleh hancurkan ekonomi kapitalis.
(mereka bukan Tuhan tapi sekurang-kurangnya mereka ada fakta yg kukuh untuk sokong pendapat mereka. Pakar ekonomi Islam yg merujuk kepada Al-Quran dan hadis juga mengesahkan perkara ini pasti akan terjadi)

Bila ekonomi kapitalis collapse, kita tak boleh ambik duit dlm bank. Aku dengar ceramah Mr Matthias Chiang, bekas penasihat politik Tun Dr M. Dia kata ni pasti jadi dlm masa terdekat, 5 thn, tapi perkara ni tak mungkin dicakap dalam perhimpunan agung Umno. Dia ni Christian Katolik yg anti-Zionis. Dia kemukakan bukti berupa kenyataan2 oleh penasihat2
Bush, professor di Havard dan Oxford, org2 kuat IMF, Bank Dunia dan segala sifu zionis. Mereka kata system ekonomi kapitalis akan collapse, keadaan dunia akan jadi lebih teruk daripada krisis ekonomi dunia 1930's. Mamat ni masih close dgn Tun Dr M dan tulis buku tajuk "FUTURE FASTFOWARD".

Aku juga jumpa Umar Vadillo yg terkenal di peringkat dunia kerana mengkaji system kapitalis. Aku pernah wawancara dia di Hotel Prince, KL masa dia dtg nak jumpa Tun Dr M. Dia kata system kapitalis memang dah nak hancur tak lama lagi. Jadi org sekarang beli duit emas yg dikeluarkan oleh syktnya beribupejabat di Dubai dan ada cawangan di Labuan. Dia kata kat aku, org Malaysia yang paling byk simpan duit emas dalam akaun syarikat dia ialah Dr M dan Pak Lah. Maknanya Dr M dan Pak Lah memang well prepared untuk hadapi kehancuran system kapitalis.

Seorang professor ekonomi di UIA, Prof Kamil ada tulis buku pasal masalah duit kertas dan duit dalam bentuk angka ni (duit elektronik). Dia kata duit dalam bentuk angka tu sebenarnya tak wujud pun dlm bank. Duit kertas yg kita simpan bawah bantal atau tabung di rumah pulak akan menyusut dan menyusut dengan teruk sekali nanti. RM1,000 hari ni tak boleh beli apa pun di masa depan.

Terkejut aku baca penerangan dia pasal "money creation" oleh bank. Masalahnya, cerita pasal ni tak keluar pun dalam akhbar arus perdana Malaysia (i.e. berita harian, utusan, star, nst. Akhbar kita hanya memetik sebijik2 laporan CNN, BBC, CNBC, Reauters yang sebenarnya tak betul tu).
Sekarang, ekonomi sudah teruk. Nak tahu teruk atau tidak, jangan tengok CNN, CNBC, Reuters dan sebagainya. Media macam ni tak akan cakap perkara yg benar. Tapi bacalah akhbar2 eksklusif utk geng2 Zionis spt Herald, Weekly Commentator, JerusalemPost etc.
Akhbar ni boleh di access via internet. Media mcm ni dibaca oleh sifu-sifu zionis. Aku kemudian buat research sikit2 pasal money meltdown melalui internet. Lepas tu, aku buat research pasal kekayaan dalam Islam. Aku dapat tahu kekayaan sebenar ialah :-

  1. tanah (lebih baik tanah tepi sungai atau yg ada air mengalir berdekatannya)
  2. emas dan perak
  3. minyak
Mengejutkan, sekarang ini emas lah yang sedang dikumpul oleh zionis. Rezab emas terbesar berada di US dan Europe. Nak ambil emas, mereka tukarkan kepada negara lain dgn duit kertas. Harus diingat geng2 Zionis itu lah juga yg memiliki bank. (Sila rujuk buku2 atau rencana internet mengenai sejarah dan asal usul bank)

Sudahnya, kita semua satu dunia, simpan duit kertas yg menurut pakar ekonomi tak akan bernilai di kemudian hari. (RUJUK RENCANA2 VIA INTERNET DI BAWAH TOPIC "THE DEATH OF MONEY).
Yg bernilai ialah emas, minyak dan kemudiannya air bersih
. (kerana air akan tercemar dengan teruk di masa depan).

BBC pada tahun 2001 melaporkan bahawa air Sea of Galilee (sebuah tasik sebenarnya) di Palestin sedang surut dan tidak ada tanda2 akan pasang semula. Saintis buat kiraan dalam 50 tahun lagi tak ada setitik air pun di situ. Middle East dan Zionis akan bercakaran kerana air pulak!

Separuh kedua abad ini adalah era "haus kerana tidak ada air" dan "bergelap kerana tiada minyak" (menurut kata penganalisis dunia). Tahun lepas, aku attend seminar nuclear di Hotel Renaissance. Seorang pakar Jepun kata minyak dlm bumi ni hanya bertahan utk 30 tahun saja. Lepas tu, aku tanya Tan Sri Penasihat Sains Negara, "Tan Sri, apa kita nak buat sebab kita tak ada polisi tenaga nuklear?" Dia jawab, "no comment. You kena tanya menteri." Aku call pejabat menteri, menteri lak pergi US. Masa tu aku tengah tulis rencana mengenai polisi tenaga nuclear Malaysia sebagai persediaan hadapi kekurangan minyak

Aku juga pernah wawancara seorang ahli korporat yg juga kawan baik atau mungkin juga kroni kepada Tun Dr M. Datuk ni mengaku dia tak simpan duit kertas dlm bank, tapi simpan duit emas. Keuntungan yg dia dapat daripada aktiviti perniagaan pulak dibahagi-bahagikan pada org miskin. 'I don't keep money," macam tu lah dia kata kat aku. Lepas aku wawancara dia, dia bagi hadiah kat aku tiga buah buku berkaitan duit kertas dan kaitannya dengan RIBA (FAEDAH BANK). Buku tu menerangkan bahawa RIBA (FAEDAH BANK), duit kertas dan duit elektronik akan dengan sendirinya jadi penyebab kepada kehancuran system ekonomi kapitalis nanti.

Bukti dah ada depan mata iaitu krisis ekonomi Asia 1997 angkara George Soros dulu. Datuk tu kata dia tengah kaji Al-Quran dan dpt tahu apa erti kekayaan yg sebenar. Bila baca surah Yusuf, dia terkejut dan baru tahu kita semua kena simpan MAKANAN, bukannya DUIT KERTAS or DUIT ELEKTRONIK. Mengejutkan juga bila dapat tahu, US sekarang, selain emas dan minyak, sedang MENYIMPAN MAKANAN SEBERAPA BANYAK YG BOLEH! Duit kertas dan duit elektronik pulak dilambakkan ke negara lain di mana tiga per empat daripada dolar sekarang sedang berligar2 di luar US dan sedang menunggu masa untuk collapse. (rujuk rencana2 mengenai krisis dolar Amerika).

Di sini aku petik sikit beberapa kenyataan :-

MD IMF, Rodrigo de Rato, "We believe such a large imbalance of growing indebtedness by the US is a risk not only for the US economy, but for the world economy."

Bob Mc Teer, Presiden Reserve Bank of Dallas, "over time there is only one direction for the dollar to go - lower".

Warrenbuffet, pemain saham terkenal dunia kata : "we view them as TIME BOMBS both for the parties that deal in them and the economic system."

Paul Volker, bekas pengerusi Federal Reserve Board, "we have a 75% chance of a crisis within 5 years".

Aku sekadar nak berkongsi pengetahuan dan mencetuskan pemikiran sahaja.
Apa pun kau fikir pasal maklumat aku ni, terpulang lah. Wallahualam.

Di copy & paste dari email yang diterima oleh seseorang.

An easy to use, web-based to-do list


Get organized, stay motivated, and be more productive.

  • Folders - You can organize your tasks into different folders or projects. For example, you could have a folder for work related tasks, one for home projects and another for your hobby. You can have unlimited tasks and unlimited folders.
  • Due-dates - Set a due-date for a task and we'll remind you when the deadline is approaching. You can also have tasks that repeat once you finish them.
  • Priority - Some tasks are more important than others. With priorities, you can better sort and organize your tasks.
  • Time Tracking - You can keep track of estimated and actual time spent on any project. Estimated time can help you prioritize better and find small tasks to fill in little chunks of free time. Actual time can be used for billing purposes or in making yourself more efficient.
  • Notes - You can attach lengthy notes to any task, so you can keep track of important information.
  • Tags - Add tags or keywords to help describe the task. This can be used to keep track of the state or progress of a task. Or use it for your own organization scheme.
  • Calendar - The calendar will give you a visual representation of when your tasks are due.
  • Collaboration - You can easily share your to-do lists with coworkers, friends, family or anyone else. You have complete control over who has permission to read or modify your to-do list.
  • Import / Export - It's your data, so you should be able to take it with you. You can import and export your tasks in a variety of formats, including RSS, XML and iCal.
  • Customization - Easily hide fields that you don't use or disable functionality that you don't like.



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