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Kota Kinabalu, the capital of "The Land Below The Wind," is a lively city with a melting pot of cultures.

To get an idea of the size and shape of Kota Kinabalu, the best view of the city would probably be from your seat on the plane.

If you have the chance, sit on the right side of the aircraft - you will receive a breathtaking aerial view Kota Kinabalu just before landing; such is the proximity of the airport to the city centre.

Numerous resorts group beside the city, and modern centres are fast spreading.

In the horizon, the majestic outline of the Kinabalu Mountain, Southeast Asia's highest peak, is visible - it stands above 4,000 m. City, resorts and mountains - all three elements are found in Kota Kinabalu.

List of the TOP 5 BEST free POP3 & SMTP Email providers

Why only five listings? Because we want to list only the best free email services on the web which we tested ourselves. Besides, even the listed TOP 5 email services are already four more than one really needs :-)

All listed free email providers offer as a minimum free POP3 and SMTP services which means you can receive and send email with your favorite email software (like Microsoft Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape Email and many others).

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